Non-Diet New Year's Resolutions + My Resolution for 2018!

It's the end of another year and that means it's also the time that many people are thinking about their New Year's Resolution. One of the most popular New Year's Resolutions out there is to go on a diet or try to lose weight, but we know that diets are no good. Diets don't work and they can bring a lot of negative things with them, so diet and weight loss resolutions just aren't an option in my mind. That doesn't mean that we have to throw New Year's Resolutions out the window entirely though! I still think it can be good to take a look at your life and see if there are somethings you'd like to work on in the upcoming year! Maybe you want to cook more at home or try some new recipes. Maybe you want to try a new type of fitness or get more sleep. This past year, I worked on reading more. For 2018, my resolution is to incorporate more yoga into my life and specifically to participate in the Yoga with Adriene 30 Days of Yoga Journey for this year called TRUE. I know doing yoga make me feel better mentally and physically and just overall happier, so I'm excited to work on making it a part of my routine.

What I Eat in a Day | Healthy Meal Ideas from a Dietitian

It's time for another What I Eat in a Day video! I'm giving you a peak at what a dietitian eats in a day in December. This What I Eat in a Day showcases a pretty typical winter day for me and features some of my favorite healthy meals. I know we all need some healthy meal ideas and inspiration from time to time, so I hope that seeing what I eat in a day as a nutritionist will give you some things you can try in your own meals and meal planning!

FDA Homeopathy CRACK DOWN on the Way!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to start cracking down on unproven, high-risk homeopathic drugs. Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like treats like" and promotes taking small amounts of substances that produce the symptoms one is experiencing from a disease or medical condition. At best, homeopathy is harmless or may provide a placebo effect, but, at worst, homeopathic treatments can be harmful. They may include dangerous substances or people may choose homeopathic drugs to treat a serious medical condition instead of getting medical care. In an effort to protect the public, the FDA has announced a plan to target high-risk homeopathic drugs.

Foods I'm LOVING Right Now! | What a Dietitian Eats

If you've been watching my videos for a while then you probably have a pretty good idea of the kinds of foods I like and usually incorporate into my meals, but I also bring in some newer foods from time to time. I definitely have go-to options, but I also enjoy switching up my routine and mixing different foods into my life. In this video, I'm sharing the foods I've been loving here lately and working into my meals. Changing things up like this keeps me from getting bored with my food and makes my routine a little more exciting. I hope that seeing the foods I've been enjoying lately can give you some ideas or inspiration for switching up your own food routine or at least give you a peak into what a dietitian eats.

Why We LOVE Diets (even though they aren't good for us)

Diets don't work and diets are bad for us, but we still seem to come back to diets again and again. Why is that? Why do we love diets so much that we're willing to accept all of the negatives that come with them or don't even recognize the negatives in the first place? In this video, I'm going over some of the reasons why we like diets and dieting. If you want to stay away from diets it's good to know the reasons why you might might get sucked back into dieting. Being aware can help you spot those things when they come up and then push them to the side instead of letting them pull you back into dieting.

Make Dinner with Me! Maple Soy Salmon + Dietitian Q&A!

Come cook with me! In this live stream, I'm making dinner and answering viewer questions. Watch while I make a healthy dinner and see how I put a meal together. You'll also get to learn some knife skills and cooking tips. This month, I'm making maple soy salmon, skillet potatoes, and massaged kale salad. These are all favorite dishes of mine and I think they go great together!

PROBLEMS with CICO Diet (Calories In, Calories Out) | Registered Dietitian

One diet that's getting a lot of attention right now is the Calories In, Calories Out diet, abbreviated CICO. The CICO really isn't anything new. Counting calories as a way to lose weight is a diet that has been around for a long time. For whatever reason though, this type of dieting is becoming popular again in the form of CICO. Calories In, Calories Out is a weight loss diet that is based on the idea that if you eat fewer calories than you body uses for energy throughout the day, your body will then have to go into fat stores to get the energy it needs, resulting in weight loss. The CICO diet is appealing to a lot of people because the rules are simple to understand and it doesn't outright restrict the types of foods you can eat, unlike some other diets. However, the basic premise that Calories In, Calories Out is based on is flawed and counting calories can actually have a negative impact on your physical healthy and mental health. On top of that, weight and health aren't the same thing so if you're trying to lose weight because you want to be healthier that's something you need to rethink.

What's the BEST Type of Exercise?

You probably know that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but what type of exercise is best? There are people out there who will tell you that running, or weight lifting, or some other form of fitness is the best type of excise and that you absolutely must do it, but that really isn't the case. The truth is, the best type of exercise is exercise that you enjoy and can do consistently. Exercise shouldn't be a form of punishment or something that you dread doing. Exercise should be something that you do because you enjoy it and it makes you feel good. It's also important to remember that exercise doesn't have to be running on a treadmill at a gym or taking a fitness class at a gym or studio. Exercise can really be any type of physical activity. Sometimes, changing the way you think about exercise can help you see new opportunities for movement that you enjoy!

TIPS for Dealing with DIET TALK Around You

Diet talk is the worst and because of diet culture it is often considered normal or even encouraged. Diet talk is all around us and it can be hard to deal with with, especially if you're working on getting out of a diet mindset yourself and practice intuitive eating. The diet talk can get even worse around the holidays because of all of the parties, celebrations involving food, and special seasonal food items. It's also the time when a lot of people have New Year's resolutions in their sites that involve weight loss or dieting and they insist on telling everyone else about it. If you're worried about diet talk and how to deal with it, I'm giving you some tips in this video. It starts with acknowledging that diet talk is going to happen around you then taking some steps to prevent the diet talk from influencing how you think about food and your food decisions. Having a healthier relationship with food can take some effort, especially with diet culture all around you, but it's totally worth it!

What I Eat in a Day THANKSGIVING! | Healthy Meal Ideas from a Dietitian

For this month's What I Eat in a Day video I'm showing you what I eat on Thanksgiving! If you've ever wondered what a dietitian eats or what a nutritionist eats on Thanksgiving then this is for you! I also thought it would be fun to share what my family's Thanksgiving spread looks like because everyone's Thanksgiving meal is a little different and I think it's interesting to see the different traditions and favorite Thanksgiving foods. I hope you enjoy seeing what I eat on Thanksgiving!

Could the "Bad" Foods Actually be GOOD for You? (Bad Food Bible review)

There's a lot of fear, confusion, and misinformation when it comes to nutrition and our food choices. There are a lot of people out there who will speak with certainty that one food is going to kill you or that another is magical and will cure any disease. In reality though, things aren't that black and white and sometimes the things that everyone "knows" to be true about nutrition aren't true at all. In the Bad Food Bible: How and Why to Eat Sinfully, Dr. Aaron Carroll, a pedatrician, New York Times writer, and host of Healthcare Triage, explains why many of the foods that you've been told are bad for you might not be that bad after all and some may even have benefits! He looks at the evidence we have from nutrition research and then breaks it down in a way that is easy to understand and enjoyable to read. The Bad Food Bible is divided into chapters with each one covering a different food, food group, or ingredient. I loved reading the Bad Food Bible and I think it's something most people could benefit from reading too. I see The Bad Food Bible as a book that will do a lot to help people feel less fear around the food they eat and enjoy their food more.


Get your copy of The Bad Food Bible (affiliate)


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There is lot of talk right now about giving up sugar. Sugar (especially added sugars) is the nutritional boogeyman of the moment and there are plenty of people who will tell you it's the source of all of our problems and the cause of every disease. With so much attention on sugar, many people are trying to quit sugar entirely. By eliminating sugar they hope to be healthier, prevent disease, lose weight, reduce sugar cravings, and a myriad of other things. You might be thinking of trying to quit sugar yourself. So what do you need to know if you're considering quitting sugar? That's what I'm talking about in this video. I'll tell you right now that I do NOT recommend that people give up sugar, whether than means giving up desserts, only eating natural sugars, or cutting out all sugar sources, including fruit and starches. If you're looking for tips and tricks to quit sugar, that isn't what you'll find here, but I am going to tell you what you need to know about quitting sugar. There is a ton of misinformation and fearmongering when it comes to sugar, so I'm breaking down the things you might have heard about sugar and giving up sugar from my perspective as a dietitian who helps people eat healthier and improve their relationship with food.

How I Taught Myself to Cook and You Can Too!

If you're new to cooking, getting started in the kitchen can feel intimidating. I know because I was there myself once too. The good news is, I taught myself how to cook and you can too! In this video, I'm sharing my story of how I taught myself to cook and sharing some tips so that you can do the same. Learning how to cook doesn't have to be scary and, with all of the resources we have at our fingertips, you can definitely do it!

Make Dinner with Me! Bok Choy and Sausage Skillet + Dietitian Q&A!

Come cook with me! In this live stream, I'm making dinner and answering viewer questions. Watch while I make a healthy dinner and see how I put a meal together. You'll also get to learn some knife skills and cooking tips. I'm making a bok choy and sausage skillet with roasted potatoes and taking you through the whole processes from start to finish. You'll learn how to roast potatoes, how to chop and clean bok choy, and a lot more! 

Current Favorites! | Healthy Food, Fenty Beauty, Lifestyle, and More!

Today I'm sharing my current favorites with you! These are some of the things that I'm loving right now and I'm excited to tell you about them! I have a couple food things, plus some beauty and lifestyle products. I know I enjoy seeing which products are working well for other people, so I hope you'll like seeing what some of my favorite things are right now.




Sarah Moran is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

QUICK + EASY Dinner Ideas + Dietitian Q&A

Sometimes you need a quick and easy dinner. Maybe you have a busy evening or maybe your regular dinner plans fell through, but no matter what the reason we all find ourselves in this situation from time to time. In this video, I'm sharing some of my favorite quick and easy dinner ideas so you can still have a healthy dinner even if you're a little pressed for time. This was recorded live, so there's also some dietitian Q&A at the end. I answer some questions about making quick meals and then dive into other topics.

The Problem with "Diet" Avocados

A company in Spain, Isla Bonita, is launching what is being called a low fat or diet avocado. The avocado, marketed as Avocado Light, with have 30% less fat than other avocados. The reduced-fat avocados will only be available in Spain, but we do have something similar in the United States: Florida avocados. Florida avocados are bigger than Hass or California avocados, have bright green skin, and are lower in fat. Florida avocados are sometimes marketed as Slimcados. The whole Slimcado thing has irritated me for a while now and with the news of this Avocado Light coming to Spain I thought it was time for us to talk about it. I have a big problem with the way these avocados are marketed.

Cow's Milk vs Plant Milks: Which Should You Choose?

There are so many options at the grocery store when it comes to milk. In addition to cow's milk, there are lots of plant milks to choose from. So how do cow's milk and these milk alternatives compare and which milk should you choose? In this video, I'm breaking down the nutritional differences between cow's milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and rice milk helping you figure out which milk is right for you.